Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to Use a Blog in the Classroom

I teach very young children (ages 3-5) and many of them are just learning how to use a mouse.  I love the idea of blogging in the classroom, but obviously, this is impractical for my students.  I was thinking about using a blog with the parents in my classroom.  I could use it as a way to let parents know what we did that day, answer questions they might have, etc.  I do see the potential for great communication with my parents; however, I see the potential downfall of an angry parent posting on the blog.  Has anyone ever done this with their parents?  If you have, what kinds of things did you post on the blog?  How did you monitor the comments?   


  1. How weird, I thought I posted a commented but it isn't showing up. So here's another comment and hopefully you don't get two!

    You have a great idea of using your blog as a way of communication with parents. It is important for parents to be aware and involved in their student learning because learning continues outside of the classroom. I understand your concern of having open communication with parents since there isn't a way to control what they say. Many blogs require the owner to "okay" the comment before it is posted to the public. I am not sure if this blogsite we use allows us to do that but you may want to check in the settings. That way you can control what is posted. Also, you may want to just make it clear to parents that you are always open to hear their concerns and comments but always through appropriate ways. You may want to post your email on your blog so if they are unhappy about something they can email you through a more private avenue. If you don't want to give out your email address you can always make one just for your blog through hotmail or something. In the end, it is your blog so if anyone posts anything you find inappropriate you can always delete it. I hope you find this helpful and good luck!

  2. Thank you Heather for your ideas! I was thinking about the owner having to click "okay" to the comment and I like that idea. If I don't okay a parent's comment, I could send them an e-mail and talk to them directly about the comment concern.

  3. It is more difficult with such young students. It is a great idea to get the parents involved. This will have great benefits for you I believe. Having active parents will aid in their child's education. Some parents are just looking for ways to help thier child and a blog may serve as the map for how the parents can help.

    I think a parental contract for participating in a classroom blog would help with your expectations. The contract could also inform the parents how to properly participate and the steps to follow if they are disgruntle.
